Monday, May 21, 2007

I can just hear Cameron's dolphin-laugh in these pictures!

Eating an ice cream cone!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Selby Gardens

Cameron and I went to Selby Gardens with Joe, Angi, and Benjamin. Cameron had a lot of fun running around on the bridge and just seeing what was next on our adventure. There are a lot of pictures, but it's worth it to look at all of them! :)

Feeding the koi

Sitting on the roots of a huge tree!

They spotted a lizard and wanted to get a better look.

I love the way he's "posing"!!

"A cactus! Don't sit on it." He got that from Dr. Seuss.

Another "pose." I love it! Haha!

Taking a short break from all that running.

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers. :)

Looks like they spotted another lizard.

He loved the water fountain!

Looking at frogs.